
Basic info about programming languages

Programming Language:-
                                                         To make the idea clear that what is programming language initially let's have a view that what is program? So, it is termed as a set of written instructions which are written down to perform a specific task which we want to. Now we must go through the definition of programming language because in this way it's basic concept will be delivered. Definition: Simply,the languages in which a program is written or we can say codding is done is known as programming language.like C, C++, Java, Java script etc...

Basically three types of Programming languages exist which are given below:  

1) First one is Machine level or Procedural Programming language: Language which requires sequence of statements to execute the program like C, COBOL, Fortran, etc...

2) Second one is High level or Functional Programming language: Language which uses some functions to perform the required task on the stored data an important example is data sorting out function. ML, Haskell, and Erlang etc are some of the examples.                                                                                 
3) Third one is Middle level or Assembly or Object Oriented Programming language: For those who are at the starting point of learning programming the concept is limited to, "it is a language which uses an object or a class of objects to perform a specific task like C++,C sharp, Java and Java script etc...

  Click on the following link to make the idea properly clear

(NOTE: Initially we will just discuss C++  because if we occupy something's roots then it becomes easy for us to get the working principle of that thing. So now a days C++ is considered as basic to learn about high level Programming languages.)

C++ Programming language:- 
                                                 This programming language was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup 

in 1979 at Bell Labs 

during when he was doing work for his Ph.d thesis. He was the IT professional who got success in developing it. It was needed by the professionals for the very long time and many of the IT professionals were trying to develop the language which could perform better then the previous one because the computers were getting very popular in that era and the tasks which computers had to tackle and manage were getting sensitive and critical so there was need of it because before the availability of this language the language which was used was not of very good quality and could not perform some of the tasks which this one can. 
                                                                        So, now it will be easy to get the idea about C++, the simple description of C++ is it is a middle level programming language

 means it performs both, the tasks which are performed by low level programing languages and the tasks which are performed by high level programming languages as well. It is said to be middle level programming language because it is more near to machine and far away from the human. The meaning of this statement is its easy for our PC's to understand it but when our brains come to know that what tasks are being performed at the back end then it is too much difficult for us.


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