
While loop

While loop :-
                           Firstly let's discuss what is loop? As we know the repetition of any thing regarding any topic is called loop. It's basic meaning is circle (repetition) of data but in common life or in common language it is treated as ring.
                                    Similarly the term while loop is used to make data in repetitive form and can also be used in many other ways. For example if someone wants to print tables then one can use loop process to print data by just writing program of one line and when we move towards art and such kind of things like drawing then we can also use while loop like if someone wants to print one's name by using characters like (/ - + , . ; ' " : = * & ^ % $ # @ ! ~ ) or any other shape by using such characters then one can also consult to while loop. The syntax is very simple and is shown in the following picture that how can we display integers from 0 to 10 :

At initial level we must stick to such easy programs and then we should move to the difficult one because in this way we will be able to perform well in the future because basic is very compulsory regarding learning of programing languages.


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